Sunday, April 27, 2008

The beginning of the end!

I'm tired. Tired of not fitting into my clothes... tired of not having energy... tired of not being able to buy off of the rack (all the time)... tired of not feeling confident... tired of feeling 10 years older than what I am...

In 3 months, I will be 30. It is my goal that as I begin the next 30 years of my life that I will be healthier and have a healthier life style. I feel that being 30 something I am not able to blame my life style on my youth... and I feel that if I keep it up, I will not have a healthy 30 years ahead of me...

So here I go! I am going to use this blog to document my start of a healthier life style. Here I will post pictures... hopefully to document my progress. I will also post insight into my journey as well as tips and possibly a recipe or two...
Here is some inspiration:

In my defense...the couch was really cushy and I sunk into it... but that doesn't excuse those arms... now does it?

1 comment:

The Artist Formaly Known as Kelly said...

Girl, you are beautiful no matter what!